Indoor Air Quality - Particulate Matter (PM)

Maintaining Optimal Indoor Air Quality

The quest for excellent Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) on a submarine is not just crucial, it's a matter of survival. The challenge seems simple: produce oxygen. But consider the risks of pure oxygen's flammability, the puzzle of managing carbon dioxide, and the dangers linked to the chemicals used for its removal. It's a prime example of a dilemma where every solved issue leads to another. This complex engineering task demands expensive, high-precision equipment to ensure the air remains breathable and safe. Beyond resolving these issues, there are plans like emergency air supplies and extensive crew training for total system failures. Stringent rules further complicate matters.

Here's a different example: "Can I bring my favorite scented candles? They help me relax." "Unfortunately, no. They release toxins when burning, compromising air quality." "Really? With all our advanced systems, I can't even use a simple candle?"

This highlights the intricacy of IAQ management, a problem also present in homes, though less extreme. Homeowners typically prioritize resolving their most significant issue with the best solution. Fortunately, the most critical home IAQ problem is often the easiest to address.

The Perils of Fine Particulate Matter in Indoor Air Quality

Particulate matter, often abbreviated as PM, stands as the foremost health hazard in the realm of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Surpassing even the risks posed by secondhand smoke, a sedentary lifestyle, or obesity, PM's impact is significant. In the context of airborne viruses, it's important to note that they don't travel solo through the air but are often enmeshed within particulate matter. Thus, by managing PM, one indirectly combats viral spread.

Particulate matter, a complex blend of solid and liquid particles suspended in the air, is categorized by size. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), these categories are: coarse particles (greater than 2.5 microns in diameter), fine particles (between 0.1 and 2.5 microns), and ultrafine particles (less than 0.1 microns). The smaller the particle, the more easily it stays airborne and, upon inhalation, the more likely it is to be retained in the body, posing health risks.

Ultrafine particles predominantly originate from combustion processes, such as cooking, fireplaces, and other similar sources. While most combustion-related PM is typically controlled at its source, its presence indoors is often a short-lived discomfort. In contrast, PM from cooking, as EPA suggests, poses a notable problem. The inefficacy of most cooking hoods, coupled with the fact that few people regularly use them, exacerbates this issue.

Coarse PM, being larger, is generally trapped by various filtering methods, eventually settling as dust. However, the real challenge lies with fine PM. This type of particle is not only difficult to remove from the air but also tends to remain suspended for longer periods. Consequently, it poses a significant health risk. Furthermore, as highlighted by the EPA, indoor levels of fine PM can be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels, underscoring the need for effective IAQ management strategies.

Strategies to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends three primary strategies for reducing indoor air pollutants:

  1. Remove the Source: Identify and eliminate or reduce the sources of pollutants.

  2. Ventilation: Increase the amount of outdoor air coming indoors to help lower concentrations of indoor pollutants.

  3. Air Purification: Use air cleaners to reduce or remove pollutants from indoor air.

These strategies aim to create a healthier indoor environment by addressing the root causes of air pollution and improving air quality.

Remove the Source

"Removing the source" as a strategy for improving indoor air quality involves identifying and eliminating or mitigating the sources of indoor air pollutants. This can include:

  • Reducing Emissions: Avoiding or minimizing the use of products or materials that emit pollutants. This can include selecting low-emission building materials and furnishings, and using less polluting household cleaning and maintenance products.

  • Proper Disposal: Ensuring hazardous materials like paints, solvents, and pesticides are stored and disposed of properly to prevent indoor exposure.

  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance of appliances and HVAC systems to prevent emissions of pollutants.

  • No Smoking Policy: Enforcing a no smoking policy indoors to prevent tobacco smoke, a major indoor air pollutant.

This approach targets the pollutants at their origin, effectively reducing their presence in the indoor environment.


Ventilation is a key strategy in improving indoor air quality, primarily by increasing the amount of outdoor air entering a space. This can be achieved through:

Effective ventilation helps dilute and remove indoor airborne pollutants, thereby improving overall indoor air quality.

Air Purification

Air purification involves using devices to reduce or eliminate airborne pollutants. Key aspects include:

  • Types of Air Purifiers: Various types are available, including HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, and UV light purifiers. Each targets different types of pollutants.

  • Placement and Maintenance: Proper placement and regular maintenance of air purifiers are crucial for effectiveness.

  • Effectiveness: The effectiveness of an air purifier depends on its ability to capture and remove specific pollutants and the rate at which it processes air.

Air purifiers are especially useful in spaces where ventilation is limited or pollutants are difficult to eliminate at the source.

Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home from the EPA

The "Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home" provides comprehensive information on portable air cleaners and furnace/HVAC filters. It discusses factors like the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) for evaluating the effectiveness of air cleaners in filtering particles, and the importance of selecting the right size and type of filter for your needs. The guide also emphasizes regular maintenance and replacement of filters to ensure optimal performance. For gaseous pollutants, it suggests using air cleaners with activated carbon filters. Additionally, the guide advises against devices that produce ozone, which can be harmful to lungs. The document is a valuable resource for understanding how to enhance indoor air quality through air purification.

Tips for selecting an air cleaner or filter

When selecting an air cleaner or filter for your home, consider the following tips based on the "Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home":

  1. Type of Filter: Most filters are designed to filter either particles or gases. For comprehensive air cleaning, select a device with both types of filters—one for particles and another for gases. Some air cleaners are specifically targeted at certain types of gases or volatile organic compounds (VOCs)​​.

  2. Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR): For particle filtration, choose a portable air cleaner with a CADR that is adequate for the size of the room or area. A higher CADR means more effective particle filtration and a larger service area. Portable air cleaners with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters often achieve a high CADR​​.

  3. Filtering Gases: To filter gases, look for an air cleaner with an activated carbon filter or a filter designed for gas removal. Be aware that there are no widely used performance rating systems for gas filtration like there is for particle filtration (CADR)​​.

  4. Dual Functionality: Some air cleaners offer both high CADR for particles and activated carbon filters for gases​​.

  5. Fan Speeds and Run Times: Air cleaners filter more air when set at higher fan speeds and when run for longer periods. More air passes through the filter at higher speeds, and running the cleaner longer increases air filtration​​.

  6. Sizing for Particle Removal: When choosing a portable air cleaner, consider the room size and select one with an appropriate CADR. The chart provided in the guide can be used for estimation, keeping in mind the ceiling height​​.

  7. Furnace and HVAC System Filters: These filters work only when the system is operating, which is usually less than 25% of the time during heating and cooling seasons. Upgrading to a higher efficiency filter, such as a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 13 or higher, can improve filtration. Consult a professional HVAC technician for the best fit for your system​​.

  8. Other Devices: There are devices that fit inside HVAC ductwork to remove particles and gases, more common in large and commercial buildings​​.

It's important to note that the EPA does not certify or recommend specific brands or models of air cleaners​​. Regular replacement and maintenance of filters are crucial for effective air cleaning.

Ventilation - the HRV and ERV

Importance of Ventilation for Indoor Air Quality

Ventilation plays a pivotal role in maintaining and improving indoor air quality (IAQ). It involves the exchange of indoor air with fresh outdoor air, which helps in diluting and removing airborne pollutants from indoor spaces. Adequate ventilation is essential for reducing levels of indoor contaminants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), allergens, and microbial pollutants, which can accumulate to harmful levels in tightly sealed environments.

In modern buildings, which are often designed to be energy-efficient and airtight, the significance of proper ventilation becomes even more pronounced. Without adequate ventilation, moisture levels can increase, leading to mold growth, and indoor pollutants can reach concentrations much higher than those found outdoors, potentially leading to health issues like respiratory problems, headaches, and allergic reactions.

General Overview of Ventilation Strategies

Ventilation strategies can be broadly categorized into natural and mechanical systems:

  • Natural Ventilation: This involves the passive movement of air through doors, windows, vents, and other openings. It depends on natural forces like wind and temperature differences between indoors and outdoors. While energy-efficient and cost-effective, its effectiveness can vary greatly depending on weather conditions, building design, and location.

  • Mechanical Ventilation: Mechanical systems use fans and ducts to provide controlled air exchange. These systems can be further divided into exhaust, supply, and balanced systems. Exhaust ventilation systems work by depressurizing the building, drawing outside air in through passive vents. Supply systems pressurize the building, pushing out indoor air. Balanced systems, which include HRVs and ERVs, simultaneously introduce fresh air while expelling stale air, maintaining a balanced air pressure.

Effective ventilation is a cornerstone of good indoor air quality management. In the following sections, we will delve into the specifics of Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs) and Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs), which represent advanced solutions in mechanical ventilation, offering both air quality benefits and energy efficiency.

Basic Concept of HRVs and ERVs

Definition and Function of HRVs and ERVs

Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs) and Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) are advanced mechanical ventilation systems designed to improve indoor air quality while minimizing energy loss. These systems are particularly beneficial in tightly sealed, energy-efficient buildings where natural ventilation may be insufficient.

  • Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs): HRVs are designed to transfer heat from outgoing stale indoor air to incoming fresh outdoor air during the colder months. In warmer months, the process reverses, removing heat from the incoming air. This heat exchange process ensures that the fresh air entering the building is closer to the indoor temperature, reducing the energy required for heating or cooling.

  • Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs): ERVs work similarly to HRVs but go a step further by also transferring moisture along with heat. This feature helps in maintaining optimal humidity levels inside the building. ERVs are particularly useful in regions with extreme weather conditions, either very humid or very dry, as they can reduce the need for additional humidification or dehumidification.

Key Differences Between HRVs and ERVs

  • Heat Exchange vs. Energy (Heat and Moisture) Exchange: The primary difference lies in their functionality. HRVs only exchange heat, while ERVs exchange both heat and moisture.

  • Climate Suitability: HRVs are generally more suited for colder climates where moisture transfer is not as critical. ERVs are ideal for areas with extreme humidity levels, as they can manage both temperature and moisture transfer.

  • Indoor Humidity Control: ERVs can help in maintaining balanced indoor humidity levels, which is beneficial for comfort as well as for preventing issues related to excess moisture, such as mold growth.

In essence, both HRVs and ERVs are engineered to enhance indoor air quality by providing a constant supply of fresh air, while also conserving energy by reclaiming heat (and in the case of ERVs, moisture) from the exchanged air. Their selection depends on the specific climate conditions and humidity requirements of the area where they are being installed.

How HRVs Work

The Process of Heat Exchange in HRVs

Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRVs) are engineered to optimize the air exchange process in a building while conserving energy. They work on a simple yet effective principle of heat exchange. An HRV system consists of two separate air streams - one for extracting stale indoor air and another for bringing in fresh outdoor air. These streams flow through a heat exchanger, where the heat from the warmer air stream is transferred to the cooler one.

During colder months, the warm indoor air that is being expelled transfers its heat to the cold fresh air being drawn into the building. This pre-warming of the incoming air reduces the energy demand on the heating system. Conversely, in warmer weather, the HRV can cool down the warmer incoming outdoor air with the cooler indoor air that is being expelled, reducing the cooling load.

Benefits in Cold Climates

HRVs are particularly beneficial in cold climates. By recovering heat from the outgoing air, they significantly reduce the energy required to warm up the fresh air coming into the building. This process can lead to substantial energy savings, especially in regions where heating costs are high. Furthermore, by continuously replacing stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air, HRVs help maintain a healthier indoor environment, reducing problems associated with poor ventilation, such as moisture buildup and indoor pollutants.

Energy Efficiency Aspects

HRVs are a hallmark of energy-efficient building design. They enhance the overall energy performance of a building by reducing the need for additional heating. This not only leads to lower energy bills but also reduces the environmental footprint of the building. The energy efficiency of an HRV system is often measured in terms of its heat recovery efficiency – the percentage of heat that is transferred from the outgoing air to the incoming air. High-efficiency HRV units can recover a significant portion of the heat, which otherwise would be lost in a traditional ventilation system.

The integration of HRVs in modern buildings signifies a balance between maintaining indoor air quality and optimizing energy use. It's a sustainable approach to ventilation that addresses both the health and comfort of occupants and the energy performance of buildings.

How ERVs Work

The Process of Energy Exchange in ERVs

Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) are sophisticated systems designed to improve indoor air quality while efficiently managing both temperature and humidity levels. Like HRVs, ERVs have two air streams - one for expelling indoor air and another for bringing in fresh outdoor air. The core of an ERV is its energy exchange unit, where it transfers not only heat but also moisture between the outgoing and incoming air streams.

In colder climates, the moisture in the warm indoor air is transferred to the colder, incoming air, preventing the indoor air from becoming too dry. In warmer climates, the process helps by removing excess moisture from the incoming air, reducing the humidity load and making indoor spaces more comfortable.

Additional Moisture Control Feature

The ability of ERVs to manage moisture is their defining characteristic. This moisture exchange capability is crucial in maintaining optimal indoor humidity levels, which is important for both human comfort and the health of the building structure. By balancing humidity levels, ERVs can reduce the need for separate humidifiers or dehumidifiers, making them a more holistic solution for indoor climate control.

Suitability in Various Climates, Including Humid or Mixed Climates

ERVs are versatile and are particularly useful in areas with significant seasonal variations in temperature and humidity. In humid climates, they help in reducing the amount of moisture entering the building, alleviating the burden on air conditioning systems. In dry climates, they can add necessary moisture to the incoming air, improving comfort and reducing respiratory irritations.

ERVs are a key component in creating a comfortable, healthy, and energy-efficient indoor environment, especially in regions where both temperature and humidity control are critical. Their ability to recover both heat and moisture makes them an ideal choice for many modern buildings, seeking to optimize indoor air quality while minimizing energy consumption.

Comparison: HRVs vs ERVs

Situations Where Each System Excels

  • HRVs: Ideal for colder, drier climates. HRVs are most effective in environments where the primary concern is heat recovery, without the need for significant moisture control. They excel in maintaining warmth and energy efficiency while ensuring a supply of fresh air.

  • ERVs: Best suited for regions with high humidity levels or significant seasonal variations in humidity. ERVs manage both temperature and humidity, making them more versatile for environments where indoor air can become excessively dry or moist.

Considerations for Choosing Between an HRV and an ERV

  • Climate and Humidity: The local climate is the primary factor. In humid climates, an ERV's ability to moderate humidity levels is beneficial. In drier climates, an HRV's focus on heat recovery without altering moisture levels is preferable.

  • Building Requirements: Consider the building's design and usage. In buildings where moisture levels are a concern (e.g., swimming pools, laundry facilities), ERVs can be more effective.

  • Energy Efficiency Goals: Both systems improve energy efficiency but in different ways. HRVs are better at conserving heat energy, while ERVs conserve both heat and moisture energy.

  • Cost and Maintenance: Assess the initial installation costs, long-term maintenance needs, and potential energy savings.

Installation Considerations

Key Factors in Installing HRVs and ERVs

  • Professional Assessment: It's crucial to have a professional evaluate the building's ventilation needs and system compatibility. This ensures that the chosen system aligns with the specific requirements of the building and its occupants.

  • System Sizing: Proper sizing of the HRV or ERV is essential for efficiency. An undersized unit won't effectively ventilate the space, while an oversized unit can lead to unnecessary energy consumption and wear.

  • Integration with Existing Systems: Consider how the HRV or ERV will integrate with the existing heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. Compatibility with existing ductwork and controls is important for efficient operation.

  • Location and Accessibility: The placement of the unit should be in a location that allows for easy access for maintenance and repairs.

Importance of Professional Assessment and Installation

  • A professional assessment guarantees that all aspects of the building's ventilation needs are considered, including air flow rates, air quality concerns, and energy efficiency targets.

  • Professional installation ensures that the system operates at peak efficiency and complies with all relevant building codes and regulations.

In summary, the choice between an HRV and an ERV depends on a variety of factors including climate, building requirements, and energy efficiency goals. Proper installation and professional assessment are critical to ensure that the system operates effectively and efficiently.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Regular Maintenance Requirements

  • Filter Replacement: Both HRVs and ERVs have filters that need regular replacement to ensure efficient operation. Clogged or dirty filters can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the systems.

  • Cleaning Heat/ Energy Exchange Cores: The core of HRVs and ERVs should be cleaned periodically to maintain optimal heat and moisture transfer efficiency.

  • Inspecting and Cleaning Ducts and Vents: Regular inspection and cleaning of ducts and vents are necessary to prevent blockages that can reduce air flow and system efficiency.

  • Checking Seals and Gaskets: To ensure that there is no unwanted air leakage, it is important to routinely check and replace the seals and gaskets in the units.

  • Professional Inspection: Annual or bi-annual professional inspections are recommended to ensure that all components of the HRV or ERV system are functioning correctly.

Impact of Maintenance on Performance and Lifespan

  • Regular maintenance not only ensures that HRVs and ERVs are functioning at their peak but also extends the lifespan of the systems. Proper upkeep prevents common issues such as motor failure, which can be costly to repair.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Initial Costs vs. Long-Term Energy Savings

  • Initial Investment: The upfront cost of purchasing and installing HRVs or ERVs can be significant. However, this should be weighed against the long-term benefits.

  • Energy Efficiency: Both HRVs and ERVs can lead to considerable energy savings by reducing the load on heating and cooling systems. Over time, these savings can offset the initial investment.

  • Potential Rebates and Incentives: In some regions, there may be rebates or incentives available for installing energy-efficient ventilation systems, which can help mitigate the initial costs.

Environmental Impact Considerations

  • By improving energy efficiency and reducing the need for heating and cooling, HRVs and ERVs contribute to lower greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with environmental sustainability goals.

  • The use of these systems also means a lower carbon footprint for the building, a crucial aspect in the context of global efforts to combat climate change.


  • The investment in an HRV or ERV system can be financially beneficial in the long run, considering the energy savings and potential environmental impact. However, the decision should be based on a thorough analysis of the specific needs of the building, local climate conditions, and available resources for maintenance and upkeep.

Strategies for Reducing Indoor Air Pollutants in New Construction

Construction companies employ various strategies and practices to reduce indoor air pollutants after construction, ensuring the health and safety of future occupants. These measures are crucial as new construction can introduce a range of pollutants, from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to particulate matter. Key strategies include:

  1. Using Low-VOC and No-VOC Materials: Choosing paints, adhesives, sealants, and building materials that emit fewer volatile organic compounds. These materials significantly reduce the concentration of harmful chemicals in indoor air post-construction.

  2. Proper Ventilation During and After Construction: Ensuring adequate ventilation during the construction process and continuing it post-construction to dissipate pollutants. This may involve using fans and opening windows or employing more sophisticated HVAC systems to circulate air and remove airborne contaminants.

  3. HEPA Filtration in Construction Equipment: Using High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters in construction equipment, such as vacuums and air scrubbers, to capture fine particulate matter generated during construction, preventing it from becoming part of the indoor air environment.

  4. Moisture Control and Mold Prevention: Implementing strategies to control moisture during construction, such as using dehumidifiers and ensuring proper sealing and drainage. This helps prevent mold growth, a common source of indoor air pollution.

  5. Construction Dust Management: Employing dust control measures like using dust barriers, sealing off construction areas, and regular cleaning to minimize the spread of dust and particulate matter.

  6. Green Building Certification Standards: Adhering to green building standards like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), which include specific requirements for reducing indoor air pollution, such as using certified low-emitting materials and implementing IAQ management plans during construction.

  7. Off-gassing Periods: Allocating time for off-gassing before the building is occupied. This involves allowing newly installed materials to release their emissions while the building is unoccupied, often combined with increased ventilation.

  8. Construction IAQ Management Plan: Developing and implementing an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) management plan during construction, as recommended by organizations like the EPA and USGBC. This plan outlines steps to minimize pollution sources and protect the building's ventilation system.

  9. Regular Air Quality Testing: Conducting air quality tests after construction to identify and mitigate any potential air quality issues before occupancy. This may include testing for specific chemicals, VOCs, particulates, or microbial contaminants.

  10. Educating Occupants: Providing information to future occupants about maintaining optimal indoor air quality, including proper use of ventilation systems, recommended cleaning practices, and the importance of maintaining low humidity levels.

By incorporating these strategies, construction companies can significantly reduce the levels of indoor air pollutants in new buildings, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable living environment.

The Indoor airPLUS Program

History and Purpose

The Indoor airPLUS Program, initiated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is an extension of the ENERGY STAR program. It was developed to respond to the growing concerns about indoor air quality, especially in new homes. The program began as a way to help builders and homeowners become more aware of and implement construction practices that enhance indoor air quality.

The primary purpose of Indoor airPLUS is to improve the air quality in new homes by requiring construction practices and product specifications that minimize exposure to airborne pollutants and contaminants. This includes reducing pollutants like radon, carbon monoxide, toxic chemicals, and allergens.

Actions Being Taken

The program sets forth a comprehensive set of health-based criteria for indoor air quality in new homes, which includes:

  1. Improved Ventilation: Ensuring proper and enhanced ventilation to reduce pollutants and provide fresh air circulation.

  2. Moisture Control: Implementing measures to control moisture and prevent mold growth.

  3. Reducing Contaminant Levels: Using building materials, paints, finishes, and adhesives with lower levels of toxins and VOCs.

  4. Radon Resistance: Incorporating radon-resistant construction techniques, especially in areas where radon exposure is a concern.

  5. Combustion Venting: Properly venting combustion appliances to prevent carbon monoxide accumulation.

  6. Integrated Pest Management: Designing homes to prevent pest infestations which can lead to health problems.

Membership and Participation

The Indoor airPLUS Program is open to builders who are also partners in the ENERGY STAR program. Builders who join this program agree to construct homes that meet the EPA's rigorous guidelines for indoor air quality. Each home is independently verified to ensure it meets the program's requirements.

Where to Find More Information

For more information on the Indoor airPLUS Program, its benefits, guidelines, and how to become a participant, interested parties can visit the official EPA website dedicated to this program. The website provides resources for both builders and consumers, including detailed guidelines, a list of participating builders, and educational materials on the importance of indoor air quality.

Indoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter

The document, "Indoor Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Practical Mitigation Approaches: Proceedings of a Workshop," presents comprehensive insights into the health effects of exposure to indoor particulate matter (PM2.5). It highlights that increased levels of PM2.5 are linked to a range of health issues, including asthma exacerbation, heart attack, and premature death, with greater impact on underserved communities. The document emphasizes the need for effective strategies to mitigate these health risks and improve indoor air quality. For a detailed understanding of the health effects and mitigation approaches discussed in this workshop, you can access the full document here.

Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) can have several health effects, including:

  1. Aggravation of Heart and Lung Diseases: Including worsening of conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases.

  2. Increased Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes: Especially in individuals with pre-existing heart conditions.

  3. Respiratory Symptoms: Such as coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.

  4. Premature Death: Particularly in people with chronic heart or lung conditions.

  5. Possible Link to Cancer: Ongoing research is examining the potential connection between long-term exposure to PM2.5 and lung cancer.

Strategies to reduce exposure to fine particulate matter

To reduce exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) indoors, several strategies can be effective:

  1. Stay Indoors in Clean Air: When PM2.5 levels are high, it's best to stay indoors in an area with filtered air. This reduces the amount of particle pollution you breathe into your lungs.

  2. Use Air Cleaners: Equip your home with air cleaners that have high-efficiency mechanical filters or electronic air cleaners like electrostatic precipitators. It's important to avoid air cleaners that generate ozone, as they can increase pollution indoors.

  3. Keep Activity Levels Low: On days with poor outdoor air quality, high PM2.5 levels, avoid activities that increase your breathing rate. Opt for more sedentary indoor activities.

  4. Create a Clean Room for Sleeping: If you can't filter the air in your entire home, consider creating a clean room, ideally with fewer windows and doors. Use an air filter in this room and keep windows closed.

  5. Avoid Sources of Indoor Pollution: Don't use items that burn, such as wood fireplaces, gas logs, candles, or incense, especially when outdoor PM2.5 levels are high. Avoid smoking indoors and minimize vacuuming unless your vacuum has a HEPA filter. Wet mopping can help reduce dust without stirring up particles.

  6. Proper Ventilation: When air quality improves, ventilate your home to replace the indoor air with fresh outdoor air.

These steps can help minimize your exposure to fine particulate matter indoors, especially during periods when outdoor levels are high. For more detailed information and additional tips, you can visit and the EPA website.


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